WOMPLIST 84: Thriftworks & Sinjin Hawke, DJ Rashad & DJ Spinn, Kingdom & Ma Nguzu, Peanut Butter Wolf & Jonwayne, Laurel Halo & M.E.S.H. & PAN, Space Jam


Thriftworks (SF), Sinjin Hawke, special guest, P. Morris, Subset, M!NT at SRB Brooklyn [10PM/15-20$]

We’re giving away 2 tickets to this show! Enter HERE before 6PM!

Thriftworks is one of the most unique voices in US bass music. In trying to describe his music, I’ve made up the following genres: bog-tech, skeksi club, avant druid, dagobah wave, insectno, dreamtime bass. Just listen to this live set and you’ll get what I’m trying to say. This is intensely organic music, made by someone who clearly spends a lot of time in nature.

While Thriftworks came up as a producer in the Bay Area glitch-hop scene, his music bears only the vaguest resemblance to his peers – Eskmo is the closest, but there’s still a vast gulf between them. His beats are definitely wonky, glitchy and backed up by some very rubbery bass. But there’s an definitively mystical quality to his work. And not in that obvious, fractal-loving, post-psytrance way that so many glitch-hop artists have adopted after enough time on hallucinogens. Imagine if Yoda had an MPC and a field recorder, and you’re getting close. Never one to fuck with a label, Thrifworks has self-released 6 full albums of amazing music since 2010, and you can hear it all at his bandcamp.

Co-headlining is Sinjin Hawke, who is about as different from Thriftworks as two white male producers can get. If Thriftworks is the mystic in the woods, worshipping plant gods and decomposition, Sinjin is the mystic of the city, exalting the entire pantheon of club styles and everything neon and steel and artificial. His latest mix for i-D mag makes that clear. From his collaborations with MikeQ that pretty much out-HudMo HudMo, to his 3d mapped visuals with Zora Jones, to his penchant for footwork and jersey club, this is the entire urban experience put in a space-blender and whipped to a fine froth.

Supporting you’ve got Subset, one of NYC’s hardest working bass music DJs. His BASSment Saturdays party skews towards Brostep in terms of headliners, but dude plays an phenomenal variety of subgenres in his sets, and with an extremely keen ear for moving the crowd (srsly guys, click that link). Also supporting is P.Morris, (formerly MORRI$), the Philly Night SLugs and Fade to Mind affiliate who recently rebooted his identity with the his first full length album, Debut. It’s an intensely hazy, emotional, and refreshingly non-aggro take on the 2013’s RnBass sounds. Hear the whole thing in a continuous mix here.
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One Step Beyond: DJ Rashad & DJ Spinn, Nick Catchdubs at the Museum of Natural History [9PM-1AM/$25-30]
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LOST SOUL: Alex from Queens, Personator, R Gamble, Scallywag at Wreck Room [10PM/FREE]
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Kingdom, Venus X, Ma Nguzu at Tribeca Grand Studios [10PM/$10]
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Laurel Halo, M.E.S.H., Bill Kouligas, Physical Therapy at Baby’s All Right [12AM/$10-12]
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DIAL IN: Space Jam, Evan Michael, Big Soft, Jesse Rudoy at the Call Box [10PM/FREE]
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That BASS Party: Metabeing, Motto, DJ Dirty Dick, Jedi at the Plank Bar [11PM/$FREE]
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Our Vinyl Weighs a Ton Tour: Peanut Butter Wolf, J. Rocc, Jonwayne, Knxwledge at Music Hall of WIlliamsburg [8PM/$18-20]
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Thriftworks (Thriftworks - SF) Sinjin Hawke (Pelican Fly / RBMA - Barcelona) P. Morris (Night Slugs / Fade to Mind - PHL) Subset (Bassment Saturdays - NYC)

Win 2 Tickets to Thriftworks, Sinjin Hawke, P Morris and Subset Friday SRB

Thanks to our homies at PatchworkNYC, we once again have 2 tickets to giveaway to the best bass music show in NYC this weekend. Two of the most singular voices in US bass music, Thriftworks and Sinjin Hawke. Plus a very special secret guest headliner that I can assure you is JUST AS BIG OF

Adam F, Alex from Queens, Bad Boy Bill, Chris Ianuzzi, cielo, coki, contakt, dan wender, Dave Schichman, deep space, Derrick Carter, digital mystikz, DJ Shakey, Doc Martin, empress, Esseks, Exmag, Facets, Four Tet, francois k, frankie bones, Girrafage, Glitterball, Globular Cluster, Jacques Greene, lost soul, Love & Logic, mala, martyn, Morgan FReeman, Morgan Geist, Personator, photek, Pixelife, planet cognac, purple, R Gamble, Raw Q, reinforced, rinsed, sankeys, scallywag, Skytree, Soul Clap, splice, stuck on earth, tiki disco, Trigon, Tunafase, Valerie Molano, vase club, XXYYXX

WOMPLIST 83: Digital Mystikz, Stuck On Earth, Four Tet & Martyn, Contakt, Reinforced, Rinsed, Exmag & Skytree, XXYYXX, Tiki Disco & Soul Clap

 The Womplist is a weekly email listing our favorite NYC bass music events. It’s republished here for the general public, but only subscribers get in on exclusive ticket giveaways, reduced lists, plus an extended bass music calendar in their inbox every Friday. Sign up HERE and stay in the know by following @womp_blog on twitter. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21 REINFORCED:

Rone Live in the Boiler Room, see him at Glasslands April 3rd

Thrilled to have just added a new date to the calendar for Rone, the French electronica maester. He’ll be appearing at Glasslands Thursday, April 3rd. Rone’s music resembles Jon Hopkins – textured, spacey electronica that straddles house and techno – but the mood is closer to the bouncey, neon optimism of Lone’s recent singles.

Hopefully he’ll be playing a live set, like he did in this amazing 40 minutes he turned out for a the recent Nuits Sonores takeover of the Boiler Room.  Tracklist courtesy of  1001 Tracklists, which is a ridiculous rabbit hole for any DJ.


01min Rone – Bye Bye Macadam
05min Rone – Flesh
10min Rone – Let’s Go (Wild Edit)
13min Rone – So So So
20min ID – ID
23min Rone – Fugu Kiss (Live Edit)
26min Rone – King Of Batoofam
32min Rone – Beast (Live Edit)
37min Rone – Bora Vocal
39min Rone – Parade

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Win 2 Tickets to Dark Disco Tonight with Joker, MartyParty, DKDS, Tanner Caldwell and Max Mischief

Just got word that we’ve got 2 tickets to giveaway to Meanred’s Dark Disco tonight, featuring the triumphant return of Joker. It’s a bit last minute (normally we like to hype it on twitter for a few days) so this one will be for the heads who are paying attention.

To win, just enter your email below to get the WompList, our friday email about the best bass music shows in NYC. We recommend top picks for the weekend, and the next few months. It’s also the only way to get in on exclusive ticket giveaways (like this one), reduced lists and other cool perks. We’ll pick a winner randomly at 5PM Saturday.

Once you’re on the WompList, you can double your chances of winning by tweeting about the contest (more on that below).

Step 1: Enter with your email

Everyone who signs up for the WompList today before 5PM EST will be entered to win 2 tickets to the show (your name will be on the list at the door with a +1, so find a date).

Enter by signing up for the WompList

* indicates required

Step 2: Tweet About it

If you’d like to get two chances instead of one to win, tweet something like this:

im gonna win tickets to #darkdisco w\ @joker @martypartymusic @theDKDS cuz the #womplist hooks it up » bit.ly/jokerparty

Edit as you see fit, just make sure to include the hashtags #darkdisco and #womplist, the usernames  @joker and @martypartymusic, and the bit.ly link to this page. Everyone who tweets something like that will get a second entry in the drawing for the tickets.

Fine Print:

Contest closes at 5PM EST on Saturday, February 8th. 1 Winner will be chosen randomly. Winner will be notified via email and/or twitter. Winner must respond within 1 hour to claim their prize, or another winner will be chosen

Tickets are courtesy of MeanRed and our friends at PatchworkNYC. Winner will be on the house list with a +1, so they and a guest will get entry free of charge. Winner may be required to show photo ID (event is 21+).

WOMPLIST 81: Joker & Marty Party, The Mast & Archie Pelago, Egyptrixx live A/V, The Range, Claude Von Stroke, Broke City, Esta & Elaquent, John Talabot, Nire

WOMPLIST 81: Joker & Marty Party, The Mast & Archie Pelago, Egyptrixx live A/V, The Range, Claude Von Stroke, Broke City, Esta & Elaquent, John Talabot, Nire

 The Womplist is a weekly email we do, listing our favorite NYC bass music events. The listings and writeups are republished here for the general public, but only subscribers get in on exclusive ticket giveaways, reduced lists, plus an extended bass music calendar in their inbox every Friday. Sign up HERE and stay up on all the

Strand’s ‘Bankstaz Paradise’ pays tribute to G-funk with skronky beats and horns

Bankstaz Paradise is some of the freshest shit I’ve heard in a minute. Spanish producer Strand delivers 6 tracks full of Afrobeat horns and skronky beats reminiscent of Fulgeance. Oh, and an Om Unit remix. How can you not hit play? According to the description,

he had two ideas in mind: paying homage to G-funk and Gangsta Rap (drawing a parallel between the gangstaz and bankstaz of the current Spanish economic crisis) and working with a soul-afrobeat horn section which was conveniently named The Financial Horns.

Love G-funk and I love the way he’s updated it and tied it in with current events. You can preorder the wax over at Bandcamp, this is out Feb 17 on Lovemonk.

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