FORM & SUBSTANCE: Projection Mapping in Contemporary Art, music by Archie Pelago, Braille, Nooka Jones, more at Gowanus Ballroom [10PM/$10]

Projection Mapping has had a profound impact on dance music visuals in the last few years. Introduced to many by Amon Tobin’s mindblowing ISAM show, the technology to project video on to more interesting surfaces than a white square has sparked a new wave of visual creativity. Form + Substance is an art show happening this weekend, featuring 19 artists with 26 projection-mapped works on display. The event takes place in the Gowanus Ballroom, a phenomenal alternative art space. Curated by Percussion Lab founder Brian Blessinger (amongst others), the eventĀ  will also feature music from PercLab resident DJs Nooka Jones and Praveen Sharma, plus a live set from the always amazing Archie Pelago. If you’re ready for the next next level visual shit, this is the place to be.

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