ESSENTIAL PARTYING: Trouble & Bass ft. Kanji Kinetic + DZ

T&B 3 year anniversary party with Skream & Benga. Photos by

DZ said it best: “Dubstep is Boring“. That’s why Trouble & Bass is so damn amazing. While every other party promoter seems to be hopping on the dubstep bandwagon (that’s been in a ditch for a few years now*), Trouble & Bass is creating their own genre of much more exciting party music. For 3+ years now, the T&B crew (AC Slater, Star Eyes, Drop the Lime, and The Captain) have been obliterating dancefloors across NYC and beyond with their signature Brooklyn Bass. They always make a point that these aren’t club nights, they’re parties – and not just any parties. Consistently, more than any other entity that throws em, they throw the best damn parties in New York City. Everyone who comes out is sexy, dressed fresh to death, and dancin like a motherfucker. 

Their special guest this week is DZ (who gets plenty of press) and the criminally slept-on  Kanji Kinetic, who (much like Chrissy Murderbot or the post-deserving Squire of Gothos) is pioneering some serious speed wobble – like happy hardcore on downers or if a rave got twisted through a moebius strip; it’s 140-150 BPMs of neck-breakin, lose-your-shit relentlessness. This is workout music – get ready to sweat on Saturday! 

Kanji Kinetic – Mix for ScenexScience
Kanji Kinetic – (free random tracks, bootlegs, remixes)
Trouble & Bass – Smashcast #2 ft. Kanji Kinetic (itunes podcast)
DZ – For Love RMX (youtube)

Oh yeah, and it’s at Santos Party House, which is the only other club sound system on par with Love’s. Seeing Joker there was the first time I’d been in the downstairs when they turned it ALL THE WAY UP. It was bone-jelllifying

Saturday, 2/20 at Santos Party House (map)

$7 adv/$10 day of
*for the record, I ain’t hating on dubstep – lord knows how many times I’ve lost my shit to Eastern Jam, Caspa, Rusko, etc…but I’m definitely hating on everyone who promotes a party and plasters their flyer/event listing with the word “dubstep” (invariably in all-caps) as though it’s some magic salve that will transform their trendy culture-grab into a halcyon blasty blast of a good time. Just because you’re not funded by a corporation doesn’t mean you aren’t engaging in cultural appropriation. Your whackness is seen, and noted. 
  1. dj kozee

    lol, Eastern Jam.

    Reply - February 17, 2010 at 9:18 pm

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