Dub War: footcrab edition


Dub War at Love without a doubt the place to be for discriminating bassheads in NYC tonight. The legendary monthly, headlined by Headhunter (who, trusted sources tell me, played a facemelting set at Halcyon last night) has a special crustacial/podiatric bent tonight. Some of you might be adjusting your monocle and pondering aloud over a snifter of fine porto, “What is this Addison Groove chicanery!? Headhunter’s Dub War podcast #9 was a magnum opus of sub bass, atmospherics and dubby riddims! Surely one musical alias is more than sufficient!” But then, that was before footcrab.
Addison Groove is when Headhunter makes juke, and I’m ain’t mad about that. However, for something so hyped, I thought this track was pretty unremarkable the first time I heard it. I love the 808-porn of chicago juke as much as anyone, and there’s a nice spacey thing going on between the propulsive bass kicks and the dubsteppy synths. But the vocal sample was just….mehhhh. Not doing much for me. Dumbshit, like the B side. 
And yet it grows on you. Sticks in your brain at really inopportune moments. It’s as infectious and tenacious as the imaginary std that you might have first thought ‘footcrab’ referred to. And most importantly, when Headhunter/Addison Groove drops it tonight, the place is going to go OFF. So get there before midnight for $10 admission, and get ready to footcrab like a motherfucker.

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