Untold – LIVE! (Hemlock ✈ UK)
Pearson Sound (Hessle Audio ✈ UK)
Kowton (Livity / Hessle Audio ✈ UK)
Sign up for the WompList by Sunday, May 18th 5PM EST to win 2 tickets to the show (your name will be on the list at the door with a +1, so find a date). If you’re already on the Womplist, just send us an email to enter. And EVERYONE who enters will be on the reduced list – so just say you’re on the WompBlog List at the door for $5 off the cover!
74 Wythe Avenue
New York, NY
L to Bedford, G to Nassau
$15 advance tickets HERE
$15 Reduced list via WompBlog if you enter to win tickets!
Door $25-30
Pearson Sound
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